Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bryan Stow Fundraiser

Today has been an incredible experience. While my friend and coworker lies in a hospital bed fighting for his life, his friends, co-workers, peers, and community are fighting for him. I have never been a first hand witness to such love, kindness, giving, and respect as I was today.

I showed up to work today at around 10:30am in uniform to volunteer my day to help in any way I could with the fundraiser. The event was set to kick off at 12:00pm and there was a bit of scrambling to get the final touches in place.  When I checked in, I was tasked with parking control, and was given my day-glow yellow vest and ushered out to an overflow parking lot a few doors down from our operations headquarters. At 11:30 am the parade of cars began to arrive, and by 12:00 it was pretty much full.  I was scheduled to help out with the barbecue at noon so I turned in my vest and headed over to where the food was being made.
Media in full effect
On my way from the parking lot to the food, I passed by hundreds of people walking in to join the fundraiser. Every public service entity in our county and beyond were in attendance today. Fire departments, police, City and County officials, as well as EMS personnel from every ambulance company in the Bay Area, were all represented. CALSTAR air ambulance even landed one of their helicopters across the street from the event. All of the Bay Area media were represented, TV and radio stations, and any other media outlet you can think of.

Inside AMR headquarters, was sea of people all wanting to give in one way or another. Silent auctions were being held for anything from sports memorabilia, to gym memberships...Orange and black bracelets with Bryan's "P" number emblazoned on them were being sold for $5 a piece and tee-shirts for $20. Everything and anything that could help generate funds for Bryan's medical costs was being sold or auctioned today. AMR employees made baked goods and had a bake sale. Pizza My Heart, a Bay Area pizza chain, presented a $20,000 check to The Bryan Stow Fund from the proceeds from their fundraiser held yesterday.

At about the time I showed up to my post at the hamburger grill, the grease was flying in the wind, and the hamburgers were being eaten faster than we could fry 'em. I really have never seen as many hot dogs as we cooked today either. Plate after plate of hamburgers, hot dogs, tri-tip, chicken, and sausages were sent to the food line, and came back empty before we had more ready. Just amazing.

My rig

While all of this is going on, I'm looking around at my co-workers. When I say co-workers, I mean everyone I work with...AMR folks, fire, police, nurses... everyone. I see them here on their day off, being mothers and fathers, being friends, being supportive, giving, and caring. It is quite an emotional experience for me. It makes me understand why I love going to work, and why the people in my field are so special. Makes me realize that our society still cares...

Not only can I appreciate the public service folks who showed up, but there were the general public, and the vendors in attendance who volunteered their services for the day. People who have never met Bryan, stepping up to make a donation for a man who has done so much for others. There truly is kindness, and compassion  in the world.

Me on Hamburger and Hot Dog Duty
I knew there would be a big event today, but this exceeded my minds eye by a million miles.  I am proud to announce that the fundraiser today raised more than $140,000 in honor of Bryan Stow.

All of this for one man...A huge response to say how much we all care about Bryan Stow, and his recovery. I am posting a link below that gives information on ways you can donate to Bryan Stow, and his family to help ease the costs of his medical expenses. Please click this link and make a donation however small, buy a bracelet, show your support.....

This link also has the composite sketches of the people who attacked Bryan. The reward for their capture is over $100,000. Let's hope law enforcement captures them soon.


  1. What an AWESOME event.. I was overwhelmed by all the Love & Compassion by everyone I saw. I took my 18 year old son who is here from Washington on his Spring Break.. He wasn't sure what to think buy all the people who were so freely giving of themselves and donating their money. Before we left we were standing outside an watching all the people an he looks at me an says "Dad, Bryan must be one heck of a guy for all this". I explained to him that most of us are friends even though we don't work for the same company.. But most of all we are all Family..

  2. Well said, Paul. We are all one big family.

  3. It was wonderful! All the volunteers, all the donations, all the people coming just to support Bryan...

    I forgot to tell you when I saw you that almost the entire way down we followed an ambulance which we were pretty sure was headed to the same place.

    I was wonderful to meet you and some of your co-workers. I'm honored to have met you.
