Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bryan Stow. Friend, and fellow paramedic. PLEASE READ

On March 31st 2011, my friend and co-worker Bryan Stow was brutally attacked and beaten after attending the San Francisco Giants game in LA vs. the Dodgers.  As a result of this unprovoked attack, Bryan is in the intensive care unit of an LA area hospital fighting for his life.

Bryan is the father of 2, a great friend, incredible person and a man who dedicated his life to saving others as a paramedic. Bryan also worked to train other paramedics for field duty.

In EMS, we are all family. Bryan, is partly responsible for the privilege I have of being a paramedic.  I have worked with Bryan on several occasions, but it was one night with him as my Field Training Officer at the end of my paramedic training cycle that I remember best. At the end of that night, Bryan said to me...and I quote: 

"I give you the Stow blessing to go forth". I will never forget those words in his voice.

Bryan Stow

Right now, I would like all of my friends and people who may read this to send Bryan your prayers, well wishes, good thoughts, and Stow blessings for a smooth recovery. Please make a donation to Bryan and his family in this very difficult time at the links posted below. 

Donate directly to Bryan's Fundraising Account:
Commonwealth Credit Union  Act #118881
Or via your PayPal account.  Go to
Send funds to:


  1. I work at RMCSJ, Our pray's are with you Bryan and your family...

  2. I am so sorry that your family and his has had to go through something like this. I am a Dodger fan, but those men are nothing but scum and WILL be caught... I pray with my whole heart that he will be ok, and his kids can have their Dad back... and all of you can have Bryan back.. Many prayers...

  3. I am a 911 Operator in Idaho. We are ALL family! Good luck Bryan...our prayers are with you and yours.

  4. I work at Kaiser San Jose in the ER, and miss seeing you come in with a big smile on your face....So please get better soon. We all miss seeing you. God Bless you and your family at this time...And those individuals who did this horrible thing will be caught. My prayers are with you and your family....
